The Most Popular Liquors in Every State

The people over at Upgraded Points, a travel website, ran some keyword searches to determine the most popular liquor in every state.  It found 11 different types are popular in at least one state.

This even includes less common liquors like Nevada’s most popular liquor, absinthe, and Utah’s most popular liquor, vermouth.

While a lot of different liquors are the most popular in at least 1 state, for many of the staple liquors, 1 state is as far as things go. For example, gin is only the most popular liquor in Washington, D.C., rum is only the most popular liquor in Hawaii, brandy is only the most popular liquor in Wisconsin, and bourbon is only the most popular liquor in Kentucky.

Whiskey is the most popular in 18 states, followed by vodka in 15, Cognac, Scotch and Tequila in four states each.  In terms of the most popular liquor brands in each state, Malibu is the leader in five states, followed by Appleton Estate in four, Ciroc in three, Hennessy in three and Jose Cuervo in three.

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