NY Urged to Apply 5 Cent Bottle Bill Tax to Wine and Spirits

That would increase recycling rates for wine and liquor bottles by 65%. But it also would cost 4,500 New York State liquor stores more than $36 million a year in additional costs, according to a new stody from the New York State Recource Recycling Institute..

Just three states — Iowa, Maine and Vermont — include wine and liquor bottles in deposit programs, according to the Associated Press.

COMMENT:  AP has got that wrong.  A number of states – including Montgomery County, Md. — permit wine and spirits bottles to be included in curbside recycling containers.  New York State has stick with the non-efficient and non-effective 5 cent deposit on bottles because, when the customer doesn’t return the bottle and reclaim the “deposit” the state can then attempt to seize the deposit.

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