Indiana Package Stores Back Sunday Sales

Indiana Association of Beverage Retailers reaffirmed support for legislation that would change Indiana law to allow for the sale of alcohol for carryout on Sundays at retail locations like liquor stores and grocery stores.

The package liquor store industry in Indiana has been supportive of Sunday sales since the industry endorsed House Bill 1624 in 2015 which was killed without receiving a final vote in the House.

“Indiana’s ban on the carryout sale of alcohol on Sundays is antiquated and impacts the small business package liquor stores by forcing them to close their doors one day per week,” said Jon Sinder, Chairman.  “We call on all stakeholders to work together to deliver results for Hoosiers.”

This announcement precedes the fourth meeting of the state’s Alcohol Code Revision Commission which is scheduled to convene on Friday, Oct. 10.

“Indiana deserves a serious and comprehensive discussion about ways to meaningfully reform our alcohol laws that includes all stakeholders, from the factory to the end consumer,” added Sinder. “We can achieve results by working together but we can never compromise on safety.”

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