Dear PA Gov. Wolf: Thank You. With Love, MD, NJ, NY, WV, OH

We’ve been critical of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s foolish decision to close the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board‘s Fine Wine & Spirits stores.  We’ve noted how the flow of people from Pennsylvania to West Virginia has been so great that county health departments have prohibited bev/al sales to people from other states.

Now, new A.C. Nielson data shows an increase in distilled spirits sales above the national average in states that border Pennsylvania after Wolf closed all Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores in the commonwealth.

The national average increase for spirits sales for the week ending on March 28 was 27%. Ohio saw a 60% increase, West Virginia a 32% increase and Maryland a 28% increase – all above the national average. Food and beverage alcohol retail stores remain open in 49 states and D.C.

“What’s happening in Pennsylvania is not working,” said Chris Swonger, president/ CEO, Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S. (DISCUS). “If consumers are denied access in their state, they will seek to purchase their spirits elsewhere. Rather than completely closing all Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores, Gov. Wolf should be seeking creative solutions that protect public health while maintaining operations.”

Other states have adopted innovative approaches to reduce the risks to patrons and workers including limiting the number of customers allowed in a liquor store at any given time; having store personnel retrieve customers’ products; encouraging credit card purchases; requiring employees to wear gloves, and curbside pickup.

“Unfortunately, residents of Pennsylvania are being forced to travel long distances to neighboring states to purchase a bottle of distilled spirits,” said Matt Dogali, president of the American Distilled Spirits Alliance. “Forcing people to travel out of their state to purchase any product during this pandemic is counter to all recommended COVID-19 containment measures and increases the potential to spread the virus. The vast majority of Americans are doing their part; being responsible, staying home and trying not to travel. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania needs to support this effort by its citizens and provide local access to distilled spirits.”

Last week, Wolf slightly reversed his decision to cut off all access to distilled spirits at state stores and allowed the PLCB to open limited online sales. Due to high demand, the site was completely overwhelmed. Now, the site randomizes who is admitted each day, meaning not all consumers have access. Additionally, more than 4,500 PLCB employees will go on unpaid leave after Friday, April 10.

–”While well-intentioned, the hit-or-miss online sales opportunity is not a solution,” said Swonger. “Consumers continue to flock to neighboring states despite COVID-19 concerns. Following the lead of other control states and opening brick and mortar stores, even on a limited basis, would help address demand and can be done in a way that protects consumers and employees. We sincerely hope Governor Wolf will reconsider his decision to shut down all Fine Wine and Good Spirits stores.”

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