AB InBev Launches a Corona NA with 30% of Daily Vitamin D Need

Anheuser-Busch InBev has launched a truly innovative product in Canada– Corona Sunbrew 0.0%.  It’s the first non-alcoholic beer that contains Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is important — it helps our bodies absorb Calcium, helps protect us fom developing osteoporosis. Vitamin D deficiency has now been linked to breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, depression, weight gain, and other maladies.

Vitamin D is important enough that your body makes it by itself — nu only after skin exposure to sunlight.  And if you live north of a line drawn from Los Angeles to Columbia, S.C., you don’t get enough sunlight for adequate Vitamin D production all year long.  It’s a special problem for dark-skinned people.

“After numerous and rigorous trials, Corona Sunbrew 0.0% proudly showcases our ability to find solutions, gaps, and opportunities for growth as a brand,” said Brad Weaver, Global Vice President of Innovation Research & Development for AB-InBev. “The journey was not easy as vitamin D is sensitive to oxygen and light, and not easily soluble in water. But thanks to our ongoing investment in innovation and research and development, our team was able to create the only non-alcoholic beer with vitamin D, providing a unique opportunity in the market.”

The idea didn’t originate with ABI, but with DAVID Miami, the brand’s creative agency. “Each detail of the project is special. From the product ideation to the final campaign. It’s not every day that we have the chance to present a product idea and have an innovative client like Corona buy, develop and take it to the next level. A true collaborative effort,” says Pancho Cassis, Global Chief Creative Officer at DAVID.

Corona Sunbrew 0.0% will be available to consumers in a few distinct phases. The global brand will first launch Corona Sunbrew 0.0% in Canada, precisely at the time of year where most Canadians experience limited sunlight, making it an ideal market to launch an innovation from a brand synonymous with the beach and celebrations outdoors.

Later this year, Corona will extend the non-alcoholic product offering in the UK followed by key markets across the rest of Europe, South America, and Asia.  We’ve asked Constellation Brands, which owns the brand in the U.S., if it will obtain a license for the product.

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