WSWA ‘Disappointed’ Uniform Laws Panel Took Up Direct Shipping Issue

Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America said it was “disappointed” the Uniform Laws Commission took up the issue of direct shipping of alcohol beverages.  But, it added, it “appreciated the efforts the ULC has taken to provide state lawmakers with model legislation to promote a compliant and fair marketplace for those states that choose to allow certain types of shipping.”

The Uniform Laws Commission is a panel of lawyers, judges, and law professors who gather to draft Model Acts for state legislatures to consider adopting in addressing various issues.  At its meeting last week in Philadelphia, Uniform Alcohol Direct Shipment Compliance Act was one of five Model Acts that was adopted.  The other five were amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code to accommodate emerging technologies, Uniform Electronic Estate Planning Documents, Model Public Meetings During Emergencies Act and the Uniform Telehealth Act.

WSWA, which opposes the direct-to-consumer shipping of alcohol, said “many public health and safety problems exist in an interstate DTC marketplace as those shipments are essentially hidden from regulatory management. While not the most effective solution, tools such as common carrier reporting and fulfillment provider reporting help provide some transparency for regulators seeking to enforce their laws and keep citizens safe. The best solution is local, licensed delivery that provides unparallel consumer convenience and state oversight, as well as promotes strong communities.”

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