WSWA: Bev/Al Competition Intense, Opportunity Abounds

“The playing field for beverage alcohol is one of constant and intense competition,” Wine & spirits Wholesalers of America and America’s Beverage Licensees told the Federal Trade Commission in a filing.

“From nearly every perspective, beverage alcohol demonstrates how robust state laws governing producing, distribution and retail provide benefit to consumers while satisfying the policy interests of the given state.  These laws create opportunity for entrepreneurs to enter this exciting industry by ensuring fairness, thereby allowing all members of the industry to compete on even terms.

“We encourage DOJ to recognize that beverage alcohol is unique and requires a policy balance that promotes competition, innovation, and quality products with a well-regulated system that ensures public safety,” they said, adding:

“No other country in the world offers consumers the choice, variety, and innovative products that Americans have available when it comes to beer, wine and spirits.  This environment is made possible by a fundamentally transparent, accountable beverage alcohol market that is the best in the world in terms of safety, choice, and innovation.”

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