WSWA: Airbus Settlement Step in Right Direction, But Industry Still at Risk

Airbus’s decision to end a system of financial support from France and Spain the World Trade Organization had called illegal  and unfair to Boeing, Airbus’s major competitor, is a step in the right direction.

But until the WTO accepts the decision, the U.S. will continue to be justified in 25% tariffs on a range of European products including single-malt whiskey.

In a statement, Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America called it an “important and encouraging step in the right direction to ending punitive retaliatory tariffs on EU wine and spirits.

“However, until the WTO accepts the proposed measure and removes the United States’ legal justification for tariffs on EU goods, our industry remains threatened with increased or expanded tariffs,” WSWA said, adding:

“It’s more important than ever to make sure the USTR (U.S. Trade Representative) knows how damaging these tariffs have been, especially when combined with the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry.

WSWA said it will not stop fighting until all tariffs are lifted on our industry, and we hope USTR and our European trading partners share our urgency to come to a decision and end this dispute before it inflicts more harm on American businesses, workers, and consumers.””

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