U.S. Chamber Hails Deadline for Voting on Infrastructure, Vows to Defeat Reconciliation

The U.S. House adopted a rule that will enable it to vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill before the end of September.   “The infrastructure bill has earned the support of business and labor and deserves the support of every member of Congress,” said Susan Clark, president/ceo, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

“Anyone who needlessly delays or tries to kill this bill is holding back our nation. I don’t know how anyone could go home and explain to their constituents that they voted to block money to fix a crumbling bridge or to replace lead water pipes running into schools. It is past time to turn the long-overdue promises of infrastructure investment into a reality.”

At the same time, Clark denounced passage of “an enormous $3.5 trillion tax and spend budget that, if enacted, will dramatically expand the size and scope of government through record levels of inflationary spending and impose massive tax increases that will halt America’s fragile economic recovery. The Chamber will do everything we can to prevent this tax raising, job killing reconciliation bill from becoming law.”

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