The Future of Ultra-Premium Tequila

The tequila category is still very much in its infancy, especially outside of North America, says Greg Cohen, former communications chief for Patron and now an industry consultant.

“As a matter of fact, 2018 was another record setting year – the ninth consecutive record setting year – for tequila exports from Mexico. Over 224 million liters of tequila were exported last year (the majority of that destined to the U.S.), and the industry is predicting those numbers will only continue to grow, particularly as tequila finds its way into more international markets. Tequila only represents about 10% of the US spirits market and 1%of the global spirits market. Premium and ultra-premium tequila only represents about 5% of the US spirits market and an insignificant amount globally, so clearly there’s great opportunity.”

What’s the future of Ultra-Premium tequila?  Cohen’s view is at Forbes.

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