Stella Artois Celebrates Cincinnati with ‘Art of the Chalice’

Stella Artois commissioned Natalie Lanese, a Cincinnati artist, to create a mural inspired by the City of Cincinnati and the Stella Artois Chalice.

The mural is being unveiled this evening at an event at the Smale Riverfront Park.  Lanese’s mural features a mix of Stella Artois brand elements and notable imagery from Cincinnati, including the city’s skyline, culture and history.

This evening’s event will feature food by Chefs Jason Greenman and Jean-Fracois Flechet, glass artists from Neusole Glassworks, and folk-pop band Young Heirlooms.  Max Bakker, a master cicerone, will teach guests more about the Stella Artois Chalice and the brand’s Nine Step Pouring Ritual.

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