Pure Wine Launches Product to Filter and Aerates Wine Bottle

“Over 35% of U.S. adults over 18 years old and up to 70% of U.S. women over 50 suffer from occasional to chronic allergic reactions to wine. This is a big problem hiding in plain sight,” said PureWine Founder and CEO Dr. David Meadows, a long-time pharmaceutical executive who founded PureWine in 2016, announcing The Wave, a new product that filters and aerates an entire bottle of wine as it is poured.

The Wave is the highly anticipated companion to PureWine’s product, The Wand, which filters a single glass of wine.

“We are delighted to provide wine lovers with a way to alleviate the symptoms of wine allergies and to help more people enjoy the unique pleasures of wine. So many of our customers tell us that they had been avoiding wine altogether because the headaches and the side effects were too unpleasant … until they discovered PureWine.”

These two consumer products from PureWine are the only products on the market, either OTC or Rx, that alleviate the symptoms of wine allergies — including headaches, congestion, skin flush, scratchy throat and upset stomach – by removing the histamines and the sulfite preservatives which trigger allergic reactions.

“I had these symptoms myself for years, so I really wanted to understand what was happening” said Meadows. “Science had never really looked at the allergens in wine, but I knew that what I was experiencing was a classic histaminic reaction. My son and I spent three years in the lab to prove it, but now we know: it’s the histamines, most prevalent in reds, as well as the sulfites, common to all wines, that cause allergic reactions to wine. Once we understood the biochemistry, the solution was obvious.”

PureWine filtration works without affecting the taste, aroma or color of wine. PureWine holds five patents on its core technologies for both The Wave and The Wand, including:

  • NanoPore filtration technology, which target only histamines and sulfites and do not otherwise alter the chemical composition of wine
  • Phoenix restoration technology, which restores open, oxidized wines to their natural state

PureWine products are sold online at DrinkPureWine.com and Amazon and are found at many retailers, including Total Wine, Bed Bath & Beyond and many wine specialty stores.

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