PLCB Offers Pickup in High-Income Bucks County Areas, Stiffs Lower Income

If you live in Bristol, Pa., you can drive eight miles to the nearest Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board Fine Wine & Good Spirits store to pick up an order.  Or you can drive across the Burlington-Bristol Bridge to 130 Liquor in Burlington.  It will take you 10 minutes to drive the 3.8 miles to the New Jersey location.

Our friends at the Bucks County Courier-Times think there’s a bit of economic discrimination here.  There are three PLCB state stores offering curbside pickup in Yardley and Lower Makefield, where average household incomes top $120,000.  Zip codes in the lower end of Bucks County have average incomes of less than $95,000 a year.  But there are a lot more people in the lower Bucks Zip codes.

Tell us, again, please how Democrats stand for the people.  Gov. Tom Wolf seems surprisingly solicitous for those with more money in their pockets.


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