Napa Valley Vintners Invests $1 Million to Increase Diversity, Partners with United Negro College Fund

Napa Valley Vintners (NVV) said it is investing more than $1 million in new scholarship and mentorship programs to increase diversity, inclusivity and opportunity in all aspects of the wine industry.

NVV is partnering with United Negro College Fund to create a new scholarship program for people of color to pursue college degrees in wine industry subjects ranging from grape growing, winemaking, marketing, business and more. UNCF has been managing scholarships for minority students for 75 years and is the largest and most successful minority organization of its kind. The NVV has committed $200,000 to the fund each year for the next five years and will begin a fundraising effort with its members to build the fund beyond that initial investment.

NVV also said it will invest more than $100,000 in two new mentorship programs being created by industry organizations Wine Unify and Bâtonnage. The mission of Wine Unify is to welcome, elevate and amplify the voices of underrepresented minorities. Bâtonnage fosters solutions for a more positive, inclusive course forward wherein women and ethnic and racial minorities achieve equal representation, equal opportunities and equal leadership positions within the wine industry.

This builds on NVV’s longtime commitment to mentorship programs in Napa County with organizations such as Boys & Girls Club, Aim High and On the Move. This year alone, the organization provided nearly $2 million in funding to nine non-profit organizations whose missions are to close the achievement gap and help at-risk youth succeed in life. These programs together reached 40,000 children in Napa County.

A consideration for grant giving going forward through Auction Napa Valley proceeds will be notable actions taken by organizations that work on enhancing diversity, inclusivity and opportunity for others.

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