Mind & Body Wines Debuts 3 Low-Calorie, Low-Alcohol Wines

Mind & Body Wines, a new Trinchero Family Estates wine brand, announced a lineup of three low-calorie, low-alcohol wines for consumers embracing a mindful, balanced lifestyle.

The 9% percent alcohol, 90 calories per serving line includes Pinot Grigio, Rosé and Cabernet Sauvignon; each is vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, keto-friendly, paleo-friendly and made from premier California grapes – without any flavor additives or added sugar. All three wines are now available online and at retailers nationwide for $13 SRP.

“The millennial moderation movement has taken hold, and consumers in search of balance are here to stay,” said Brie Wohld, vp-marketing. “This new wine brand answers the call of consumers everywhere who have been resoundingly reaching for a low-calorie, low-alcohol wine that better fits their lifestyles and helps them reach their wellness goals.”

Mind & Body uses traditional winemaking methods to achieve rich flavor, alluring texture and excellent balance across its portfolio. Starting with wine from premier California vineyards, Mind & Body uses a spinning cone column to remove alcohol from a small amount of the wine, while preserving the wine’s delicate aromas and flavors. Mind & Body then blends the dealcoholized wine with traditional wine to create a robust, flavorful finished product that encourages not just sipping, but savoring.

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