Lot 18 Acquires CustomVine

Lot18, a leading DTC wine e-commerce platform, acquired CustomVine, the nation’s largest premium private label and custom wine direct-to-trade provider to top restaurant, hotel and retail companies.

Lot18 said the acquisition immediately makes it one of the top players in the category.

“Though there has been tremendous growth in the U.S. private label landscape over the last 10 years, we believe we’ve barely scratched the surface of what the market will ultimately bear,” said CustomVine CEO Kevin Boyer.

“This acquisition will further cement us as the industry leader in helping our clients build powerful brands that drive on-premise revenue and profit and gain traction beyond the four walls of their locations. Lot18’s experience as one of the largest DTC companies in the world and vast infrastructure will immediately enables us to build powerful global brands for ourselves and all of our trade partners.”

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