Ketel One’s Bob Nolet to Bartenders: Create ‘Sustainable’ Cocktails

I have to admit, I never thought about creating a sustainable cocktail.  But Ketel One did as part of this year’s World Class bartender competition in Berlin.

A bar made from reclaimed wood and recycled furniture; chairs made from repurposed plastic bottles, old DVDs and scrapped mobile phones once destined for landfill; tables made from pressed yoghurt pots; and, of course, a Ketel One Bloody Mary made with locally sourced ingredients – critically home-grown, not flown – encouraged people and bartenders to think about how preparing their drink can help them do better.

Ketel One is encouraging bartenders around the world to re-think the recipes of their most popular drinks to have a more positive impact on their communities. Espresso Martinis, Bloody Marys, Vodka and Sodas and Dutch Mules are all reimagined using reduced waste, natural ingredients and locally sourced garnishes to enhance their flavors.

The move reflects a wider shift in culture which has seen people drinking less but drinking better, seeking out brands that are sustainable or endeavoring to have a positive impact on the world around them.

“People are increasingly looking for premium refinement and quality that’s down to earth, simple and honest. This search for ‘better’ isn’t just with ingredients, but with experiences and a brand’s impact on society as a whole,” said Alexandre Rodrigues, Global Brand Director of Ketel One.

“Cultural consciousness has been at the heart of Ketel One, that’s why we decided to help inspire bartenders and bars around the world about how they can offer an even better drinking experience.”

Bob Nolet, the 11th generation of the Nolet family, the creators of Ketel One, said:

“My family has been distilling spirit since 1691 and from that moment we have always sought the perfect balance between a commitment to taste, a commitment to bartenders and a commitment to the world around us.

“We built the world’s largest windmill to help power our distillery and our family still tastes and approves every batch of vodka before it leaves our distillery to ensure the highest quality standards.  We want to encourage bartenders to have the same attitude: always deliver the best drinks they can while also having a positive impact on their communities – this is what motivates me and my family every day.”

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