Kentucky Coffee Whiskey Launches

Atomic Brands just launched Kentucky Coffee, a 66 proof (33% ABV) whiskey that retails for $19.99 and is looking for distributors to expand its reach beyond Kentucky, Missouri and Ohio.

Bottled and distilled in Kentucky, the new spirits brand was inspired by America’s original adventurers – the cowboys, who sipped on ‘cowboy coffee’ during the day and switched to strong whiskey, otherwise known as ‘firewater,’ in the evening, celebrating camaraderie and the simple moments around the smoldering campfire.

Conceptualized in 2017, Kentucky Coffee was born from co-founder and Atomic Brands CEO Don Deubler Jr.’s desire to find a standalone spirit that embodied the bold flavors of the two beloved icons – coffee and whiskey. Deubler sought to craft a premium flavored whiskey that celebrated the sense of discovery in the restless cowboy spirit without compromising on taste or quality ingredients.

“Kentucky Coffee unites the best of two consumer favorites: coffee and whiskey. It creates an unmatched, timeless taste that takes you back to simple and special moments around the campfire with loved ones,” said Don Deubler Jr., co-founder and CEO of Kentucky Coffee. “We’ve seen an incredible response to this bold flavor right out of the gate, and we’re excited to invite new consumers to discover this exciting flavor combination and create stories and adventures of their own.”

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