Fine Wine Importer Demeine Estates Launches Dream It, Live it Initiative

Napa-based fine wine importer Demeine Estates said it is solidifying its commitment to leadership in the wine industry with the launch of its Dream It, Live It campaign, an annually-selected professional partnership opportunity aimed towards wine entrepreneurs. Inclusion has always been powerful, and the program will empower a more inclusive wine industry, one growing business at a time.

“Dream It, Live It is an intentional, action-oriented initiative that demonstrates a core belief of Demeine Estates: that business is done with people, and superior business is ethical, genuine, transparent, and inclusive,” said Senior Brand Manager Alexa D’Acquisto. “We are not simply inviting inclusion, we are driving it through the diverse backgrounds of our team members and partners who bring different, celebrated perspectives to the table. This initiative is about highlighting shared-value organizations that will benefit from a platform, and providing visibility for those partners by cultivating opportunity, offering access, and providing education.”

Dream It, Live It seeks  opportunities to add value to already-apparent talent, potential and determination. To be considered for 2023 partnership, a business must have been operating for at least one year at the time of submission, must be in the wine industry, and must have a proven commitment to diversity in its team.

Demeine Estates is seeking to elevate organizations that share our values of inclusion, intersectional women’s empowerment, sustainability and entrepreneurship. Applications will open in mid-2022.

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