F.Y.I. —

Flying Is Bad for the Planet. You Can Help Make It Better.

Take one round-trip flight between New York and California, and you’ve generated about 20 percent of the greenhouse gases that your car emits over an entire year.

If you are like many people, flying may be a large portion of your carbon footprint. Over all, the aviation industry accounts for 11 percent of all transportation-related emissions in the United States.

If you’re flying, you’re adding a significant amount of planet-warming gases to the atmosphere — there’s no way around it, writes Tatiana Schlossberg in The New York Times. But there are some ways to make your airplane travel a little bit greener.  Read them here.

And So Is Buying Clothes.

A friend sent this video, which I found eye-opening.  If it disturbs you, consider the 10-Item Wardrobe, explained here by Jennifer Scott.

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