Drive Launched for Vote in South Carolina on Sunday Sales

For more than 20 years, South Carolinians have been allowed to vote in local referendums on whether beer and wine can be sold in stores on Sunday.  But they haven’t been allowed to vote on distilled spirits.

That might change if a grassroots coalition is successful in winning support for House Bill 3013. “House Bill 3013 is a sensible solution that gives power to local voters,” explains South Carolina Minority Leader Todd Rutherford. “Our coalition isn’t asking for a broad, sweeping state-wide change – we are supporting this legislation so people in each county can decide if Sunday sales are right for them. That’s why I’m sponsoring this bill.”

An August 2021 poll by RG Strategies shows 73% of South Carolina voters agree beer, wine, and liquor should be regulated the same way, and even more (77%) agree they should be able to vote on this issue.

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