Conn. Craft Brewers Want to Pool for Health Insurance

Connecticut Brewers Guild launched a video and petition urging state lawmakers to pass legislation that will give more craft brewery employees access to affordable health insurance.

The Healthier Craft Brewery Employee Bill (House Bill 7260) would allow the Connecticut Brewers Guild to create its own pool of members to purchase plans with significant savings when compared to current health insurance rates.

“Now more than ever, health care costs are especially burdensome on small business owners and entrepreneurs as prices continue to skyrocket,” said Phil Pappas, executive director of the Connecticut Brewers Guild. “That’s why passing this bill is a no brainer. Not only does it allow us to provide an additional benefit to our members, but it also represents a way to care for the hardworking folks who work behind the bar and among stainless steel tanks.”

Pappas also noted that the plan also allows Connecticut’s craft breweries to band together to purchase the types of coverage that are available to large employers, which can be less expensive and better tailored to the needs of their employees.

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