Capitol Steps to End Performances

There’s so much sad news out of Washington these days, but we’ve refrained from reporting much of it because the mainstream media has done a really fine job.

But there’s one piece of news we are reporting, because we first saw the Capitol Steps performance at WSWA and NBWA meetings here in the nation’s capitol, and that is the Capitol Steps, the group that wrote musical paraodies of political events and politicians is planning to shut down.

“We simply weren’t built to survive going a year or more without live performances,” the group said in announcing their plans to close.

The group was started by five Republican Senate committee staffers, expanded to include Democrats and went professional in 1984 after the defeat of Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.), who chaired the subcommittee a couple of the Steps members worked for.

Their albums will continue to be sold through their website.

At least this piece of news can’t be blamed on President Trump.  Unless you believe that his failure to aggressively attack Covid-19 not only through Operation Warp Speed but also through aggressive and widespread testing resulted in the group being unable to perform for over a year.

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