90% of Beer-Pouring Locations Open

That’s the highest figure since Nov.6-8 and is five percentage points above the previous week, BeerBoard said.

The average number of taps held steady at 16 per location.  Among the states tracked by BeerBoard, six of the 10 also held steady from the prior period. Illinois added five taps to climb back to 10 pouring, while Michigan (7) and Minnesota (19) both added one tap each. Georgia was the only state to see a decreases, dropping one handle to
checking in at 15 pouring.

Volume last weekend slowed a bit, BeerBoard said, falling 9.9%.  But Illinois was “a healthy 72.9%, New York climbed 10% and Minnesota advanced 4.9%.

The rate of sale dipped slightly nationally, falling 8.3% for the weekend. New York was up 8.4% and Minnesota were up 3 percent — the only two states tracked by BeerBoard to see an increase.

Craft grew its share of volume for the second consecutive period, climbing +1.5% (after a +2.8% bump Jan. 14-17) to check in at 32.9%. Imports also took a positive step, up +0.5% to 14.7%), while Domestics dropped two full points to come in a 52.4%. Tap Share was relatively flat again for the period, and the Top Five Styles remained unchanged.

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