When it comes to pizza, there’s a major split between wine drinkers and beer drinkers. Versus Reviews looked at the numbers behind preferred crusts, toppings, and brands by gender, drink preference, region, and generation. It also posed “would you rather’s” around eating pizza. Below are few of the key insights:
PWine drinkers are 33% more likely than beer drinkers to really hate pineapple pizza.
P Beer drinkers are 1.75 times more likely than wine drinkers to eat pizza 2+ times each week.
P 3 in 4 people would prefer to eat pizza for every single meal for the rest of their life rather than never eat pizza again.
P Beer drinkers’ favorite is deep dish / thick crust, while wine drinkers typical choose medium thickness crust.
P 1 in 2 people eat pizza once or more each week.