Royal Mash Ultra-Premium Vintage Vodka partnered with PACE, a specialist Direct-to-Retail sales agency to handle the product across the country.
Royal Mash Vodka is distinguished by the exclusive Jersey Royal potatoes from which it is made. It is truly a ‘vintage’ vodka as it is made just once a year, when the world’s finest potatoes – Jersey Royals – are harvested.
Royal Mash was created by Rachel de Caen, a trained chef, and Peter Le Fol du Taillis. The Royal link originates both from the potatoes and the Royal connections of the Jersey-based owners. The Royal Mash logo is the crest of the Le Fol family, who were ennobled by Henry IV in 1594.
The brand is sustainable using uses potatoes which are over- or under-sized for retail that would otherwise need to be ploughed back into the land.