Napa Valley Vintners 1st Trade Association to Commit to Porto Protocol

Napa Valley Vintners (NVV) directors voted to become signatories of the Porto Protocol. In doing so, they become the first North American wine trade association to join the effort.

The Porto Protocol was established by Adrian Bridge of Taylor’s Port in 2018 based on the premise that the effects of climate change can be diminished if everyone plays their part. It is a binding commitment by its signatories, from any area of industry, to make a greater contribution to mitigate climate change. The initiative formally launched with President Obama speaking at the inaugural conference in July of 2018.

“As new signatories to the Porto Protocol, the NVV has further broadened their commitment to environmental stewardship,” noted Robin Lail, U.S. Representative of the Porto Protocol, Napa Valley vintner and daughter of NVV founding member, John Daniel. “Just like the NVV’s ambitious goal to have all their eligible members in the Napa Green program by the end of 2020, the Porto Protocol is another important step in addressing climate change.”

Participants sign the Letter of Principles, which includes a commitment to “do more than they are doing at the moment, guide their activity by good environmental practice principles and execute projects oriented towards the sustainability of the organization,” among other goals.

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