The $10,000 donation to Force Blue was the inaugural donation for Enovation‘s Living Coral Sparkling Rosé wine brand’s cause marketing program. For every bottle sold a contribution will be made to an organization focused on saving the worlds coral reefs.
“Living Coral is a very special project that addresses an unprecedented problem, the worldwide loss of coral reefs,” said Giovanni Pecora, CEO of Enovation Brands. “We have a big focus on sustainability and the environment. We believe we have a moral obligation as a company to hand down a better planet and a better future to our children and grandchildren so one day we can look them in the eye and say we helped solve the problem.”
Force Blue recruits veterans of the Special Operations community, retools them under the tutelage of marine scientists and conservationists, then redeploys them on missions of preservation and restoration around the globe.
In doing this Force Blue addresses two seemingly unrelated problems, the rapidly declining health of our planets marine resources and the difficulty returning combat veterans have in adjusting to civilian life.