Budweiser Celebrates Loser in Stanley Cup

On the one hand, we think it’s nice Budweiser is recognizing the incredible achievement of the Vegas Golden Knights in making it to the Stanley Cup Final in the team’s inaugural season.

On the other hand, we think it’s odd that Ricardo Marques, vp-Budweiser at Anheuser-Busch, didn’t also recognize the achievement of the Washington Capitals in being the first team in our nation’s capital to wine any sort of championship in 33 years.

Of course, we’re slightly biased because we live in the D.C. area.  But, truth be told, we don’t follow hockey, don’t understand hockey and don’t care about hockey.

What Marques said about the Vegas Golden Knights in releasing a video could apply equally to the Capitals:

“”Budweiser is proud to celebrate those who redefine what’s possible,” said Ricardo Marques, vice president of marketing for Budweiser. “The Vegas Golden Knights raised up their city and we raise a Bud to them and their incredible journey.”

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