With the U.S. Trade Representative expected to announce a decision by Feb. 17 on tariffs across a wide range of industries, including wine, beer and distilled spirits, a march is planned for Sunday in Washington. Marchers will meet up at Freedom Plaza, 1455 Pennsylvania Ave. NW at 10:30 and march to Lafayette Square across from the White House. It is expected to disperse by 12:30.
The “OneAmerica, OneWorld” March is not just a wine market. The list of goods on which the U.S. Trade Representative proposes to impose tariffs ranges from yogurt, milk and butter to pork to pipe cutters pliers and metal tweezers, to artist brushes, and, yes, to wine, Irish and Scotch whiskies and non-alcoholic beer.
“It makes no sense that industries which include numerous self-made small businesses, are on the verge of being decimated due to a dispute between two giant corporations, Boeing and Airbus,” organizers say.
National Alliance of Wine Retailers warns the proposed tariffs could affect some 200,000 employees of 6,500 wine importers and distributors, and 47,000 retail shops. The tariffs, NAWR says, could result in 78,000 job losses and cost the U.S. economy about $10 billion.