A-B Releases New “Know When to Say When” Spots — With Masks

Anheuser-Busch released a terrific new spot, the latest in its Know When to Say When series, which dates back 40 years.

The latest features a bar owner (or is a bar manager?) saying her bartenders are taking the social distancing thing pretty seriously.  They’re shown about 6 feet apart.  “Sports are back,” she says, “and we’re reopening.  That means doing what it takes to keep everyone safe.”  One promotes hydration, another safe rides home, and the third promoting food with drinking.  The bartenders are all wearing masks.

By focusing on bartenders, A-B is continuing it effort to help bars and restaurants — and bartenders — surviving the Covid-19 pandemic.  In May, Bud Light kicked off its Certified Fresh campaign, in which it made a point of letting the public know it had replaced beer that might have gotten stale when bars were forced to close. It also created a website directory for Bud Light drinkers to find a list of places that were selling beer to go.

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